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Orix Community
Sports Club

Orix Community Sports Club

To provide youth with equal access to a great sports experience

Who We Are

Orix Community Sports Club is a Greater Vancouver, community based non-profit organization. We are committed to providing year round recreational sports programs for children ages 5-17. The club has a special focus on visible minority youth and newcomers to Canada. The club strives to include all, irrespective of ability to pay. The main focus of our program is to provide an opportunity for children to have a fun experience, acquire confidence and leadership skills and meet new friends in a safe, accessible and inclusive environment

ORIX COMMUNITY SPORTS CLUB believes that every child should have equal access to a great sports

Why Sports

Being active in sports sets youth up with healthy habits for life and has a positive effect on mental health and well being. Orix Community Sports Club believes that youth who play sports learn about teamwork, collaboration and leadership skills.

Help Us Do More

ORIX COMMUNITY SPORTS CLUB is a non-profit organization committed to providing youth with year round sports opportunities and ensuring they have equal access to a great sports experience. Our Programs are made possible by volunteers and funded in part by your generous donations and sponsorship from the community. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.